Bachelor Courses description Section Petroleum Geology and sediment


Course Descriptions

Course and Code EPS 211 Course Title Sedimentation And Stratigraphy

Course and Code EPS 212 Course Title Historical Geology

Course Descriptions Sedimentary processes and sedimentary environments.  Textures and structures of the sediments and sedimentary rocks. Stratigraphic description of the sedimentary facies. Stratigraphic columnar section, correlation and classification.

EMR 201

Course Descriptions Chronological classification of the most important sedimentary basins of the world. Evolution of configuration of the earth’s crust in terms of plate tectonics, and type-sections of the major time-stratigraphic units. Evolution of the principal forms of life through geological time.

Prerequisites EPS211,EPS231


Course and Code EPS 231 Course Title Introduction To Paleontology       

Course and Code EPS 232 Course Title Micropaleontology

Course Descriptions Study of the origin of fossils, modes of preservation, and occurrence of fossils. Main classification of animals and plants. Morphological study of different invertebrate phyla.

Prerequisites EMR 201

Course Descriptions Morphological study and classification of microfossils: Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Ostracods, Conddonts, Calcareous and Siliceous Algae. Non-mineralized organic microfossils.

Prerequisites EPS211, EPS231


Course and Code EPS 321  Course Title Carbonates And Evaporites   

Course and Code EPS 332 Course Title Palaeoecology

Course Descriptions Primary constituents of calcium carbonate sediments and their mineralogical composition. Classification of carbonate rocks and petrographic properties of lime stones and dolomites. Identification of carbonate minerals by staining methods. Diagenesis of carbonate sediments. Study of the marine and terrestrial evaporates, their types, conditions of formation and petrographic properties. Geologic significance an economic importance of evaporates

Prerequisites EPS211, EPS201

Course Descriptions Classification of palaeoecological environments. Environmental factors which affect palaeoecological record. Modes of life in marine environments. Indicators of palaeoecological environments from the fossils record.

EPS231, EPS232


Course and Code EPS 341 Course Title Subsurface Geology

Course and Code EPS 342 Course Title Petroleum Geology

Course Descriptions Introduction to surface and subsurface mapping. Contouring techniques. Geological cross-sections. Log correlation techniques. Integration of geological and geophysical data in subsurface mapping. Faults, structural, and isopach maps. Methodology of field study.

EPS 211 EMR304

Course Descriptions Introduction to physical and chemical properties of oil and gas. Geological, geophysical, and geochemical methods of petroleum exploration (generation, accumulation, and migration of hydrocarbons). Classification of traps and reservoir studies. Timing of trap development relative to petroleum and migration. A brief review of the petroleum geology of Saudi Arabia.

Prerequisites EMR201, ESR211


Course and Code EPS 343 Course Title Drilling And Formation Evaluation       

Course and Code EPS 399 Course Title Training In The Specialization

Course Descriptions Rotary drilling and drilling bits. Drilling fluids and hydrostatic pressure in liquid and gas columns. Cements and cement testing. Casing design criteria and design considerations. Well completion design and tubing strings. Perforating oil and gas wells. Directional drilling and deviated wells.

Introduction to open-hole logging and spreadsheet programs. Estimation of shale volume from Gamma Ray Logs……….

Prerequisites EPS 342

Course Descriptions Students will be trained for two months during summer period; they will apply various tasks, related to petroleum geology in one of the national oil companies. Duties include most of the surface geological tasks and lab training. The subsurface geological analyses include the analysis of drilling, cutting, well long evaluation, interpretation of seismic cross sections, and the methods of reservoir development and production operations.

EPS321,341, 342


Course and Code EPS 408 Course Title Seminar         

Course and Code EPS 411 Course Title Palaeo-Sedimentary Environments

Course Descriptions The focus is on a series of talks on selected topics representing the latest orientations and studies in the fields of petroleum geology and sedimentology. Every student will be assigned a topic relevant to the current geological interest on which he will be expected to prepare and present a talk using up to date techniques.

Prerequisites EPS-399, 343,

Course Descriptions Environment and facies recognition. Physical, chemical and biological parameters controlling the environment and the facies. Recent environments as a key to identify the ancient counterparts, including continental, transitional and marine environments.

EMR408, EPS 321



Course and Code EPS 421 Course Title Clastic Sedimentary Petrology      

Course and Code EPS 441 Course Title Petroleum Development Geology

Course Descriptions Origin of clastic sedimentary rocks. Classification and mineralogical composition. Petrographic features and diagenetic processes for different types of clastic rocks (one day field excursion around in Jeddah in working days).

EMR 304

Course Descriptions Systems of units and the basic calculations required for the petroleum geologists. Introducing some computer software relevant to petroleum development calculations. Subsurface pressures and abnormally high pressures. Rock properties including lithology, porosity, permeability and compressibility. Fluid properties and phase behavior. Mutual properties of rocks and fluids including relative permeability and capillary pressure……..

Prerequisites EPS 343



Course and Code EPS 442 Course Title Middle East Oil & Gas Fields        

Course and Code EPS 443 Course Title Properties Of Petroleum Reservoirs

Course Descriptions General review of geology, stratigraphy, and tectonics of the Middle East region. Evaluation of sedimentary basins related to the entrapment of hydrocarbons. History, formation and development of hydrocarbon accumulations in the region. Study and discussion of hydrocarbon reserves and their future prospects. Case studies of fields and related subjects.

Prerequisites EMR 431, EPS441

Course Descriptions Overview of reservoirs rock, fluid, and rock-fluid properties. Fluid flow through porous media and Darcy’s law. Material balance calculations for oil and gas reservoirs. Basic concepts of petroleum reservoir simulation. A closer look at the simulation process. Data gathering and input for reservoir simulators. Analysis of simulation results. Term Project.

Prerequisites EPS 441




Course and Code EPS 444 Course Title Seismic Stratigraphy         

Course and Code EPS 445 Course Title Sequence Stratigraphy And Basin Analysis

Course Descriptions Seismic reflection principles, application of seismic parameters and attributes to determine the depositional environment and fluid contents of the strata with the emphasis on the applied general principles of analysis of seismic attributes which lead to the evaluation and expectation of the target strata.

Prerequisites EPS 341, EGP371

Course Descriptions Seismic geometries. Unconformities.  Relative sea level. Parasequences and their stacking patterns and as a correlation tool. Relationship of stratigraphic patterns to changes in subsidence rates as driven by regional and earth scale tectonic processes. The sequence stratigraphic model. Sequence boundaries, diagenesis related to unconformities, incised valleys, slope fans, basin floor fans and prograding complexes. Incised valley fills.

Prerequisites EPS 211



Course and Code EPS 499 Course Title B.Sc. Project 

Course and Code Course Title

Course Descriptions As a partial fulfillment of the B.Sc. degree in the Petroleum Geology and Sedimentology Department, every student is asked to study one of the national oil or gas fields or to study the sedimentary succession that has a major impact on petroleum generation, migration, and accumulation. His job is to write a full report and to present his findings.

Prerequisites EPS408, 421,441

Course Descriptions     


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